
Looking for Something?
partner computer
connection problems 51
DVD or CD Sharing Setup
software 20
power button 33
power indicator light 31
power port 33
reinstalling Mac OS X 55
Remote Disc 22, 23
repairing a disk 54
restoring information 54
restoring your computer 56
SD cards 36, 37
SD card slot 33
serial number 64
Server Assistant 19
service and support 62
Setup Assistant 17
shared optical disc 22
sharing files 22
shutting down your computer
controlled 25
forced 49
sleep 24
installing DVD or CD
sharing 21
specifications 38
System Information 38
System Preferences 37
Thunderbolt port 33
AirPort Extreme 60
Apple Hardware Test 57
can’t start up 50
connecting to partner
computer 51
date and time lost 51
flashing question mark 50
freeze during startup 50
Internet connection 58
Network Diagnostics 58
pointer won’t move 49
updating software 61
USB ports 33
video adapters 15
video port 33
waking your computer 25
Windows key
Mac equivalent 14

Apple Inc.
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